Southport House
This house is located at 2304 Mary Ann Drive Southport, Florida 32409
This is a 3 bedroom 2 bath manufactured home located on a 1 acre(+/-) lot on a cul de sac.
This property is surrounded by pasture land and horse farms but is only 6 miles from Panama City.

Mary Ann Drive is a dead end street and is perfect for children.
The house is the last house on the left side of Mary Ann Drive. You have all the convenience of being only 6 miles from Panama City but all the privacy of living in the country.

The House

The house is a 1999 Redmond Limited 16X80, 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home.
The house has city water and a new septic tank.

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View From Back Yard


Click on a room to see the inside of the house


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View From Front Yard