Hi My Name is Bill Swafford

Welcome To My Home Page

Panama City, FL

Gadsden, AL

Odenville, AL

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Here are a few of my favorite web sites. If I find a new site I think others might find interesting I will update this page.

Shepherd's Chapel
This is a non-denominational, Christian fellowship church.  On the site you can hear a daily chapter by chapter, verse by verse bible study or watch the Shepherd's Chapel Network satellite feed.  I highly recommend this site for anyone who's ever thought that there was more to the Bible then you've been taught.

Cozumel Cruise   Check out the pictures from my last cruise.

I live in beautiful Panama City Beach Florida. This is a picture of my beach.


Click for Panama City, Florida Forecast

If you have suggestions or anything you would like to see on this site E-mail me.